Traveling around the holidays typically entails visiting family or taking a trip to your favorite vacation spot to ring in the New Year in style, which is undoubtedly joyful. However, the sheer volume of travelers makes for a stressful journey through airports, train stations, and on the road; hence, following 15-holiday travel recommendations will contribute to a happier season.
Be Flexible with Dates
Your holiday plans could benefit significantly from some flexibility. Being able to depart for your trip a day or two earlier and arrive at your destination a day before or late helps you save a lot on a ticket because you have more freedom to choose a less busy day to fly. By selecting a neighboring smaller airport over a significant hub, you can further reduce your travel expenses. Smaller airports typically have lower prices since there is less demand.
Register for Points
The holidays allow you to redeem your accumulated credit card points all year. Utilize them immediately to reduce the pinch this year on your holiday travel expenses.
Schedule Direct Flights
As winter approaches, expect delays and snowstorms, which is typically an erratic season. Always schedule direct flights to reduce the likelihood that you will miss a connection. And if you’re close enough to your destination, consider taking a train or bus instead of a plane.
Only Bring Carry-On Bags
It can be distressing to lose a checked bag that contains all the gifts you painstakingly bought for your nieces, nephews, uncles, grandparents, and more. Therefore, you should only bring a carry-on to lessen the likelihood that you would misplace anything. Additionally, since you won’t have to wait for an eternity at the baggage carousel, you can exit the airport more quickly.
This safety travel advice will enable you to enjoy your trip more and travel less stressfully. Utilize these on your upcoming vacation, and you’ll see a difference.